Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dear pals,

It wif heavy heart dat I write to yoo today.

So many of our pals has crossed ova da Rainbow Bridge lately.

Mommy and me has been having leaky eyes ever week.  It just pawful.

Da Bad Boyz of Twitter and da Pink Angels has been round da werld doing good deeds everwhere and we is so grateful fur der bwavery.

Unfortunately, since we been having so many rides fur our pals it getting hard to keeps up.

So, effective February 1, 2013, we gonna schedule a ride to honor and support our pals once a month.  It be da last Tuesday in da month.  So here da schedule:

Feb. 26th
Mar. 26th
Apr. 23rd
May 28th
June 25th
July 30th
Aug. 27th
Sept. 24th
Oct. 29th
Nov. 26th
Dec. 31st - A Year in Retrospect

Dis ride gonna be a memorial ride - wif lots of piccies. It be a time when we does paw prayers and celebrations of da lives of our furiends.  It will last one hour - but may go to two wif so many toasting to our furiends.

Wot does dis mean when a pal crosses and yoo wants to halps dem on der journey to da bridge?  No worries.  Anybuddy can still schedule a ride if dey wants to at any time!!  I may not be available to does piccies at dat time, but dat need not stop anybuddy from making dem.

So, and dis impawtant.  I knows lots of pals, but I don't knows everbuddy.  So, if yoo has pal or knows of pal who is or has crossed would yoo pwease DM me or peemail me?  My peemail addy is - I neva wants to miss sumbuddy so pwease makes sure I knows bout it.

Dat it fur now. Short of closing da gates of dat darn bridge, dis da bestest idea I come up wif.

Loves yoo all,