Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Special Units Team

Here at da Bad Boyz of Twitter Club we has sum members dat has special talents.  Of course dose talents are top secret but we wants to recognize deese new recruits as part of da Special Units Team!

Here dey is!
Dis is IamColbyCat - He comes from all ova.  He twavels da world to helps Anipals everwhere!
Perrydabirman - He hails from Sand Diego, California. He one bad Kitteh!
Sidthecatahoula.  Dis bad boy vroomed in from Chicago!
Frugal Dougal - he comes from da UK and travels throughout da year in search of Anipals needing help.
Farthewestie (Farley) - He road his bike all da way from Ontario, Canada!
OneWhiteDog -"Jake" drove in from New Hampshire
Khumbusibe - came all da way from da Sierra Nevada Mountains in Spain!
MrBuzzyBoo - He from West Springfield - vroom! vroom!
JustAnotherTrnd (Dusty and Hurley) from Maryland and TikiTikiTempo who calls da world his home!
When yoo see deese three driving into town, yoo know yoo in twubble!


  1. Love the #badboyzoftwitter - the group just keeps getting better & better with every addition!

  2. I am very proud to be part of dis group! Way to go #badboyzoftwitter!

  3. iz proud 2 be one ov teh #badboyzoftwitter - *hi-paws*
